Legend's Ghost in Fiesta de la Música Quito!

Posted by Cheryl R. on Monday, June 21, 2010 Under: Upcoming Shows
I realize I have not updated in awhile, and there is a very good reason for that: I have been going completely and utterly mad trying to get ready for a big show as part of Quito's annual Fiesta de la Música!  This will be Legend's Ghost's big debut, and if you care to witness it, come to Ananké Bar in La Mariscal at 8 P.M. on June 26, 2010!

Fiesta de la Música is an annual festival sponsored by Alianza Francesa in Quito, Ecuador.  Bands play all over the city of Quito, and it's basically a city-wide party with a lot of great music catered to every taste imaginable.

Ananké Bar is one of my favorite spots in Quito, with it's artistic-gothic decor, red walls, low tables with cushion chairs, and amazing canelazo. 

Besides hearing a great live performance, you will also have the opportunity to buy the latest Legend's Ghost release: Continuum: A Flight Through Time and Space, an EP featuring myself and bassist Sergey Proshunin.

In : Upcoming Shows 

Legend's Ghost in Fiesta de la Música Quito!

Posted by Cheryl R. on Monday, June 21, 2010 Under: Upcoming Shows
I realize I have not updated in awhile, and there is a very good reason for that: I have been going completely and utterly mad trying to get ready for a big show as part of Quito's annual Fiesta de la Música!  This will be Legend's Ghost's big debut, and if you care to witness it, come to Ananké Bar in La Mariscal at 8 P.M. on June 26, 2010!

Fiesta de la Música is an annual festival sponsored by Alianza Francesa in Quito, Ecuador.  Bands play all over the city of Quito, and it's basically a city-wide party with a lot of great music catered to every taste imaginable.

Ananké Bar is one of my favorite spots in Quito, with it's artistic-gothic decor, red walls, low tables with cushion chairs, and amazing canelazo. 

Besides hearing a great live performance, you will also have the opportunity to buy the latest Legend's Ghost release: Continuum: A Flight Through Time and Space, an EP featuring myself and bassist Sergey Proshunin.

In : Upcoming Shows 

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