And now for something completely unrelated to music...

Posted by Cherelle on Saturday, December 7, 2013
Awhile back, I decided I wanted to give voice acting a try, so I auditioned for and was cast in the web series Ian Something by Danish animator/director Jens Kragelund. I play Ulrikke, the main character's girlfriend, and also, the TV hostess.
Of course, the first thing a person does when researching a new role is learning how to pronounce your character's name. Easier said than done when your character is Danish and you don't speak a word of the language.
Then, after trying to figure out your character's background, Myers-Briggs type, and favorite color, analyzing the nuances of the script to death and practicing every possible way to say the lines, you head to the studio, where you suddenly realize just how odd it is recording your lines and having no idea how the other characters are going to sound and wonder how the people who voiced your favorite Disney characters managed to sound so natural. Then, you realize that certain scenes are a bit awkward to do when there are people sitting right in front of the studio door and they can hear everything you say and your sound engineer has to explain to them that you're just acting.
Finally, there's hearing the finished product and thinking, "Omigod is that me? Is that how I sound?" (14-year-old Valley Girl accent entirely optional)
But anyway, without further ado, here's the link to the first episode of the delightfully quirky new web series Ian Something:

Tags: "ian something" "voice acting" 

And now for something completely unrelated to music...

Posted by Cherelle on Saturday, December 7, 2013
Awhile back, I decided I wanted to give voice acting a try, so I auditioned for and was cast in the web series Ian Something by Danish animator/director Jens Kragelund. I play Ulrikke, the main character's girlfriend, and also, the TV hostess.
Of course, the first thing a person does when researching a new role is learning how to pronounce your character's name. Easier said than done when your character is Danish and you don't speak a word of the language.
Then, after trying to figure out your character's background, Myers-Briggs type, and favorite color, analyzing the nuances of the script to death and practicing every possible way to say the lines, you head to the studio, where you suddenly realize just how odd it is recording your lines and having no idea how the other characters are going to sound and wonder how the people who voiced your favorite Disney characters managed to sound so natural. Then, you realize that certain scenes are a bit awkward to do when there are people sitting right in front of the studio door and they can hear everything you say and your sound engineer has to explain to them that you're just acting.
Finally, there's hearing the finished product and thinking, "Omigod is that me? Is that how I sound?" (14-year-old Valley Girl accent entirely optional)
But anyway, without further ado, here's the link to the first episode of the delightfully quirky new web series Ian Something:

Tags: "ian something" "voice acting" 

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